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    June birthstone

    Getting to know June birthstones
    June fishes have different stones, the most important of which are pearl, emerald, white ruby, citrine, alexandrite and tiger's eye. In the following, we have given a full introduction of each one so that you can choose the best one for yourself when buying.

    Pearl is the main birthstone of June
    The birthstone of Khordad (May 22 to June 21), Gemini is Pearl. Pearl stones are created inside the body of bivalve molluscs like oysters; In general, when a foreign object enters the shell, the shell secretes materials to repel it, and pearls are formed from the accumulation of these materials.

    Today, the number of natural pearls is very low and most of the types of pearls that exist in the market are cultured pearls.

    The degree of hardness and strength of pearl is 2.5 to 3.5 and its chemical composition includes about 90% calcium carbonate and 10% water and organic matter. The larger and rounder the pearl is, the more quality and durability it will have. Also, the original pearl has a light color and is not dark and opaque.
    It is not bad to know that the most famous pearl in the world is a pear-shaped white pearl called "La Peregrina", which was taken from salt water and in the 16th century, the Spanish Prince Philip II gave it to his wife Marie. Finally, Richard Burton bought this pearl and gave it to Elizabeth Taylor, a famous Hollywood actress.
      the pearl

    Pearl is the most famous and original stone and diamond in the world, which is special for those born in June. This June stone can be found in bivalve shells, but pearls are one of those gems that have great value. The way this June-born stone is formed inside the oyster is in such a way that when a foreign object enters the oyster, the oyster starts to wrap a shell around it to defend itself and reduce the damage of the foreign object. This shiny shell is the pearl. The shell is made of aragonite, and aragonite is the same gem that is known as marble in society.

    This June-born stone is found in the Persian Gulf, some rivers in Europe, America, the Gulf of Manar in India, the coast of Australia and the Red Sea. June birthstone is yellow, red, white, green, blue and black. Black pearls can be found off the coast of Mexico. The quality of the pearl depends on its ocean water, and if the pearl stays too long inside the shell, it loses its spherical shape and becomes incomplete. Therefore, the pearl should be taken out of the shell at the right time.

    the pearl

    Therapeutic properties of pearls:
    Using this type of June stone for men or women removes negative forces and attracts positive energy.
    It is useful and effective in treating diseases such as heartache, asthma, jaundice, skin diseases, etc.
    Eliminates bad habits.
    This type of stone for those born in June brings good luck to its owner.
    It is a symbol of love and affection.
    Strengthens body muscles.
    Regulation of blood flow is another property of this June stone.
    It also increases human life.

    Pearls can be considered one of the most valuable gemstones in all ages. In ancient times, the pearl was a symbol of the moon and magical properties were attributed to it. Of course, the ancient Chinese considered this precious stone to be an anti-fire and anti-dragon charm, and there were other societies in the world that considered pearls to be a symbol of purity and chastity. This stone also has life-giving power.

    Pearl strengthens nerves, adrenal glands, spleen and muscles. It is also effective for stomach ulcers and protects the intestines. It is useful for fever and headaches. It also creates life force in humans and strengthens the eyes. The use of pearls is useful for urinary tract and kidney diseases and helps to remove kidney stones.

    It is interesting to know that pearls are used to compensate for calcium deficiency. Sudden mood changes eliminate anxiety and worries and give people initiative, sensitivity and inspiration. Using pearls is useful for treating internal itching. Also, this beautiful stone is very effective for treating pimples, boils and skin sensitivity. Regulation of endocrine glands and reduction of genital tract inflammation in men and women are other therapeutic properties of pearls.


    Alexandrite is the strangest stone of June
    Alexandrite was first found in 1830 AD in the emerald mines near the Ural Mountains. The hardness of this gem is 8.5 on the Mohs scale, which is a high number. Alexandrite is a type of crysberyl and what makes it unique is the significant presence of titanium, iron and chromium elements as impurities in this stone. Alexandrite stone is found in nature in green to yellow and purple colors. This strange June birthstone is found in Russia, Zimbabwe, Brazil, Sri Lanka. The price of this gem is very high and sometimes even as much as pearls and diamonds, it is bought and sold at an exorbitant price.
    Alexandrite is a transparent yellow-green or blue-green stone. This stone may be seen in various colors such as red, purple, purple or even orange under polarized lights such as sunlight. This difference of spectra depends on the angle of light radiation and the viewing angle of the person. This phenomenon is called "polychromism" and is used in mineralogy. There are many gemstones in the world with a clear yellow-green color, but only a limited number of them can show a variety of colors under the light. This is why alexandrite was given as a symbol of love; Because love does not have only one fixed color. You can use alexandrite as a gift for someone you love because it is a symbol of true love.


    Healing properties of alexandrite stone
    This June-born stone is useful for the heart and prevents blood clotting. Alexandrite helps regulate red blood cells and has the ability to destroy cancer cells. It is said that this stone born in Khordad destroys jealousy and narrow-mindedness, brings happiness and prosperity to humans, increases love and affection, and is also effective for the digestive system and food digestion.


    Citrine is the stone of June
    Citrine is a kind of quartz, and after purple quartz, which is known as amethyst, it is the most important gem of the quartz family. The name of this Khorhad stone is derived from its yellow color, which means "lemon". The hardness of citrine is 7 on the Mohs scale. Of course, citrine has a variety of colors, including yellow, honey, deep yellow, and yellow close to brown. If you heat citrine, it turns white. Citrine can be found in areas such as France, Madagascar and Brazil. Citrine is best cut by the flat method, but the cabochon method is sometimes used to cut it.


    Features and properties of citrine, the stone of June
    Among the important properties of this June stone, it can be mentioned that Abu Ali Sina used this gem in the treatment of depression. Citrine increases and strengthens the understanding of the person born in June. This stone also helps to improve problems related to the digestive system, diabetes, constipation and numerous glands in the body. Citrine has a strong and effective connection with the third chakra and makes any anxiety and worry clear from the person's mind and calms down. Citrine stone purifies the body and removes toxins.


    white ruby
    White ruby is also the birthstone of Khordad, which is a little unknown to us Iranians. This gem is colorless, and in terms of specifications, it is like other rubies. The hardness of this stone is 9 on the Moose scale, and that is why it is widely used in the jewelry industry.


    Features and properties of white ruby stone
    White ruby stone has the ability to purify the body's blood and remove toxins from the body. It is said that this stone is used in the treatment of diseases such as plague, fainting and epilepsy. It is also useful for stomach diseases, chronic headaches, local pain relief, strengthening the body's nervous system, and improving thyroid function.


    White ruby is not a common stone and large sizes of them with good quality are even rare. White ruby is actually a colorless ruby and has a hardness similar to blue sapphire and other colors. There are several reasons for using white ruby instead of diamond, and the most important reason is the price of white ruby, which is much lower than diamond. The second reason is that the hardness of white rubies (generally all rubies) is second only to diamonds.

    white ruby

    Ruby is useful for stomach diseases.
    This birthstone of Khordad is used in the treatment of diseases such as plague and epilepsy.
    Ruby removes bad breath if it is around the mouth.
    In the science of gem therapy, it is recommended to put a ruby on the pain site for 30 minutes to relieve local pain.
    This gem removes physical disabilities.
    Preventing nosebleeds is one of the properties of this type of stone for those born in June.
    Ruby purifies the blood of the body and removes toxins from the body.
    Ruby is useful for the functioning of the body's nervous system and increases the efficiency of the thyroid gland.
    It is useful and effective for chronic headaches and insomnia.
    This June birthstone is very useful for eyes and eye health.
    یاقوت سفید

    Another stone of the month of Khordad is emerald, which is found in coarse-grained igneous rocks that generally have a granite composition and whose crystals are at least 5.2 in length. This gem is easily scratched, but thanks to the high hardness of emerald, it is not damaged. This June stone for women and men can be seen from light green to dark green.

    Emerald has been used since 2000 BC. Today, most of the highest quality emerald gems are extracted from Colombia, high quality emeralds that are transparent and flawless. These men's and women's June birthstones are of very rare, rare and expensive quality, which are usually only found in small sizes. An original, high-quality, large emerald may be several times more expensive than a diamond

    This stone has been a symbol of beauty, purity, love and affection since ancient times. Because of its attractive color, emerald is a symbol of new beginnings and regrowth. In ancient times, it was believed that the emerald stone gives a person a certain credibility and identity and helps him in solving problems. Emerald stone makes a person win in any argument and dispute and also this stone cures epilepsy. Emerald has a special relationship with the human eye. It strengthens vision and neutralizes the negative effects of eye injuries.

    take a look
    The reason for the name "eye of the tiger" is the reflection of light on this stone, which looks like a tiger's eye. This gem is from the quartz family and its constituent material is generally silicon oxide. Tiger's eye stone is found in nature in golden to red and brown colors. In jewelry making, this stone is usually polished without cutting to show its brilliance in the best way. Most of the gems that are honey colored and like cat's eye stones have a very high value and price.

    چشم ببر

    Properties of the eye of the tiger
    This June birthstone gives inner peace, eliminates stress and disturbing thoughts, intellectual concentration and self-confidence. It also protects the person from the surrounding dangers and incidents. Some people believe that tiger's eye can activate and improve the function of motor organs such as bones and joints, help to treat shortness of breath and asthma, and reduce blood pressure. It is also useful for heart and rheumatic problems.

    take a look

    Moonstone, June stone

    Moonstone is a stone that belongs to the moon. Like pearl stone, moonstone also has properties similar to pearls. Moonstone, a type of orthoclase that has a blue shimmer, is known as birthday moonstone or mehsang. The moonstone emits a blue color under long ultraviolet waves and a pale orange under short ultraviolet waves. It reflects white to violet under X-rays. Therefore, one of the ways to recognize this stone is by waves. It is available in yellow and colorless colors, which, of course, will have a blue or pink glow in the reflection.
    چشم ببر

    Properties and characteristics of Moonstone
    سنگ ماه

    This June birthstone regulates hormonal cycles, is useful for treating colds, removes toxins from the body, and is effective in the functioning of the liver and pancreas. It also attracts wealth. It is said that moonstone increases love and affection in life, stabilizes human emotions and causes inner growth and strength. This June birthstone is also very useful for insomnia and lack of sleep.