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    July birthstone

    July birthstone

    Ruby is the main birthstoneof the month of July. Also, emeralds, moonstones and pearls are secondary stones for those born in July. If the people born in Sagittarius want to benefit from the cosmic powers of their moon star, it is necessary to have these four birthstones! So, join us to examine the characteristics of the moonstone born in July and the characteristics of those born in July.
    یاقوت سفید

    Ruby is a type of corundum. Pure corundum is colorless, which in this case creates a white ruby. Therefore, the color is caused by the small amount of elements in their composition. Small amounts of chromium cause ruby red color. The best type of ruby stone is found in Magok region in Burma. This gem can also be found in river stones. White ruby
    The rarest and most valuable Burmese ruby is the ruby with a vivid red color, which is known as "pigeon's blood" because it resembles the blood of a hyena. Thai ruby is darker and turns brown. There is ruby in the Hunza Valley in Pakistan, some pieces of which are up to 5 cm long. Small amounts are also found in Iran, Afghanistan, Australia, Brazil, Cambodia and India. The ruby is cut both in the form of cut and fast. Its artificial type is also made in the laboratory.


    Emerald; Birthstone of Taurus

    According to Indian mythology, the name emerald was originally translated from Sanskrit as "marakata", which means "growing green things". It is believed that the name we know comes from an ancient Persian word "Zamard" which was translated into Latin "smaragdus" and eventually changed to Emerald with the passage of time. Records show that emeralds were known and sold in the markets of Babylon in 4000 BC.

    Chemically, emerald is a beryllium-aluminum silicate whose green color is due to small amounts of chromium or vanadium or iron compounds. Emerald is a green member of the beryl family. Tenni is a sibling of aquamarine (blue), morganite (pink), golden beryl (yellow), and heliodor (yellow-green), as well as bixbite (red).

    The best emeralds are found in South America, Colombia, where they have more than 400 years of historical mines. Quality emeralds are very valuable. India, Ethiopia, Zambia, Afghanistan, Brazil, Pakistan are its other sources. Emeralds are rarely flawless, so they are often enhanced by oiling to hide imperfections such as cracks in the stone.


    The magical power of emerald for those born in Sagittarius

    Ancient myths have said that emerald belongs to the Roman myth of Mercury, the messenger of the gods, whom the Greeks called semrēh. Thus, in the history of emerald, it is usually known as a gem to protect travelers. Emerald is used to regenerate sinuses, lungs and muscles after an infectious disease. Some have said that it is useful for improving vision and having an anti-toxic effect on your liver.

    It has been said that emerald stimulates the mental capacity of a person and increases his memory. Emerald helps combine intelligence with insight and allows only one choice to be made for the right choice. Emeralds are known to heal both the emotional and physical heart. Emerald has powerful energy as a regeneration and healing gem to strengthen the eyes, heart and immune system as well as the nervous system and negative emotions. This beautiful gem is the birthstone of July and June and it is also mentioned as the main birthstone of May.

    Healing properties of emerald
    It causes purity and strengthens memory.
    In many cultures, this male or female moonstone is a symbol of rain, and in Christianity, it is a symbol of hope and faith, it is a symbol of hope and motivation, and most of them call it a gem of prophecy.
    It also calms the mind and troubled thoughts and also brings logic, wisdom and wisdom to its owner.
    It is said that the magnetic power of emerald increases during spring.
    Emerald energy increases during the full moon.
    There is no difference between the use of male and female birthstones and this stone is able to improve the eyes, defense and nervous system of the body due to its great power and energy.
    Using this Taurus moon ring or as an emerald set strengthens the human heart and true love.


    Moonstone for arrows

    All kinds of moonstone colors
    Moonstone is a kind of feldspar and actually milky orthoclase. With a blue or white luster, its appearance resembles that of the moon, hence the name moonstone. Its brightness is made by light reflection from the internal structure of very thin layers of albite (white feldspar with the formula: 8O3iSlAaN). Sri Lanka is the origin of moonstones that have a weak blue luster and almost transparent body color. Moonstone can be found in all kinds of colors as shown in the picture above and has an adolescence phenomenon.

    سنگ ماه
    Moonstone stone therapy for July

    Moonstone is also known as blue opal, fish eye, and wolf eye, and long ago it was thought to have an inherent indestructible connection with the moon. As the name suggests, the moonstone is strongly connected to the moon and the mother goddess, as well as intuition. All moonstones are said to help with many female problems, including the reproductive system, pregnancy and childbirth, life transitions, pregnancy, PMS, breastfeeding, menopause, reducing shedding, It becomes hair and eyes. Moonstone is also the birthstone of July and June.


    Moonstone in India is very sacred and is only allowed to be displayed on a yellow cloth. In this culture, it is said that the moonlight when the moon is full gives this gem magical power, it is also believed to bring good fortune and allow a person to see his future.


    pearls; Birthstone of Taurus

    Pearl is a very soft gem that consists of about 2% of water and should not be kept in a very hot place, otherwise it will dry out and create hairline cracks on its surface. Whether in salt water or fresh water, natural or cultured pearls, its production is the result of a defense mechanism against the introduction of a foreign object such as sand, which causes irritation inside the shell against it. When these stimuli are embedded in the crust, layers of the mineral rock composed of calcium carbonate 3OCaC aragonite (known as mother-of-pearl) are formed around the stimulating object, until gradually form a solid pearl. The light reflected from these overlapping layers is what produces the pearl's characteristic luster.

    Today, most cultured pearls are produced in Japan. In the warmer waters of the southeast Pacific, the South Sea produces larger oysters, cultured pearls and Tahitian black pearls, which are larger. Freshwater pearls are mostly cultivated in China. Pearl quality is valued by color, polish and shine, roundness and symmetry, lack of surface defects and other factors.


    Therapeutic properties of pearls:
    Using this type of male or female Sagittarius Moonstone will keep negative forces away from you and attract positive energy.
    It is useful and effective in treating diseases such as heartache, asthma, jaundice, skin diseases, etc.
    Eliminates bad habits.
    This type of Sagittarius birthstone brings luck to its owner in life.
    It is a symbol of love and affection.
    Strengthens body muscles.
    Regulation of blood flow is another property of this June stone.
    It also increases human life.

      the pearl

    Historically, pearls are a symbol of purity, innocence and faith, pearls enhance the perfection of a person's personality and help clarify a person's mind so that it can create a clean and clear channel for the entry of wisdom and spiritual guidance. Once upon a time in ancient stories and legends, pearls were thought to be the tears of gods and goddesses. Pearl is also mentioned as the talisman of the birth month of July.

    One of the oldest pearl necklaces belongs to the Persian Achaemenid queen who wore it four thousand years ago, which is located in the Louvre Museum in France. The Queen of Sheba's pearl jewelry has become the stuff of legend over the centuries, and it is said that Cleopatra only drank wine with ground pearls in it to protect herself from poison.

    In ancient China, it was believed that pearls were actually the spittle of dragons as they flew through the air to produce rain, so many Chinese wore pearls as talismans against fire. Pearl will balance and heal all chakras. The pearl absorbs negative energy from the wearer and then helps the person to see and face their own truth. It is directly connected with the third chakra "navel" and the seventh chakra "crown". This beautiful gem is the birthstone of July and also the pearl as the main stone of those born in June.

      And facing your truth helps. To
    It is directly connected with the third chakra "navel" and the seventh chakra "crown". This beautiful gem is the birthstone of July and also the pearl as the main stone of those born in June.