Birthstones have been believed in for thousands of years. For example, the Ayurvedic birthstone calendar from ancient India dates back to 1500 BC. Birthstones have long been believed to bring wealth. Many ancient cultures, including Hebrew, Arabic, Hindu, Roman, Italian, Russian, Polish, and Spanish, had their own birthstone calendars, and many of these calendars differed due to connections between cultures, as well as differences due to the availability of gemstones or prominences. In certain areas, they also had similarities. These ancient calendars have influenced traditional and modern birth calendars. In 1912, the National Gemological Society created the "Traditional Calendar" in an effort to standardize the system of birthstones for the various months, as well as to provide gems that seemed to be accessible to most people. Other jewelry associations, such as the American Jewelry Trade Association, have since developed modern birthday calendars by adapting the 1912 list. Some modern calendars add additional birthstones for some months, and many are less expensive options with visual similarities to the original stones. These stones are also known as "alternative or secondary" stones.
Diamond, the main birthstone of April
Diamond, the month stone of April, is usually associated with love, while white diamonds are more common, fancy colored diamonds can be found in a variety of colors including yellow, blue, pink, and more. Those born in the month of April are lucky enough to have this gemstone as their birth month stone as diamonds are a symbol of purity and strength. Diamond is one of the most precious birthstones. In fact, the word diamond is derived from the Greek word "adamas" which means "unbreakable" and "unbreakable". It is said to represent abundance, strength and courage. Diamond is the hardest natural substance in the world, which has the simplest chemical structure among minerals (consisting of pure carbon). Humans have always been fascinated by precious stones and diamonds have a special place among them all. This precious stone is historically linked with the history of mankind.
Since ancient times, people have used diamonds to show loyalty. This stone is universally accepted as a symbol of marriage, love and honesty. You have noticed that this gemstone is used a lot in engagement and marriage rings.
Diamonds boost the wearer's self-esteem.When you wear a gemstone, you will definitely feel good. However, the tradition of wearing diamonds by women has recently been revived. In the Middle Ages, the use of diamonds was common only for men. At that time, diamond was a symbol of courage and invincibility. King Louis IV of France issued this royal decree and forbade all women in this country to wear diamonds. It took two hundred years for women to wear diamond jewelry.
Diamond is the main stone for those born in April. Brilliant brilliance and extreme hardness are the hallmarks of diamonds. It exists as colorless, white, rarely pink, yellow, orange, blue or green, and it is also found in very shiny and oily form. Its gem quality is used in jewelry making and its low quality sample is used as abrasive sandpaper and many industrial items. South Indian mines have been the source of famous diamonds such as Koh Noor and Hope. It is the largest diamond mine in Russia. A quality one carat brilliant cut diamond can easily cost several thousand dollars per carat.
Diamond is known as a jewel that keeps people away from diseases and gives them complete health. It also protects us from fear. In the old books, it is said that if women who suffer from gynecological diseases and want a way to get rid of it, they just need to tie a diamond around their knee to get better. If they wear it on their arm, they can overcome all their enemies and defeat them. This gem creates and strengthens love between couples. For those born in April, diamonds increase willpower and intelligence, strengthen memory. Diamond is anti-depressant and uneasiness and strengthens physical ability and sexual power. It is said that since it has no effect on diamond, fire or iron, people who use this stone will be safe from electric shock. It is believed that diamonds strengthen the heart, ward off and protect against magic, ease childbirth, sleep problems and nightmares, treat and prevent epilepsy for children, and generally keep people away from harm. Diamond is the birthstone of the month of April and August, and those born in these months will have luck, prosperity, wisdom, strength and happiness with them.
Is diamond the only birthstone in April?
If you've looked at birthstones, you've probably noticed that none of the birthstones are unique, and that there are several birthstones for each month. Ancient, traditional and modern calendars have been developed over the centuries by different cultures or organizations. In fact, each birth month has different birthstones. For example, the main birthstone of April is diamond, but this stone is very expensive and hard to find, so other stones are also attributed to this month, and we will see all the birthstones of April together. Diamonds are mostly rare and expensive. Due to the rarity of the diamond stone, there are also alternative birthstones for the month of April that you can use for your birthday or to give as a gift to others.
Other birthstones of April include the following:
Birthstone of April: Topaz
The properties of topaz stone, the stone of those born in April, is one of the few stones mentioned in the Bible, and since thousands of years ago, there is a belief that topaz stone protects a person against disease, poison, magic, and magic. It adds to the power of reasoning, the amount of wealth and creativity of a person. It is famous for healing patients and rejuvenating helpless people. It strengthens the mind and prevents mental disorders. Before the Renaissance, in Europe, any yellow stone was called topaz (peridot was also considered a type of topaz). Topaz (TOPAZ) is derived from the word Topazios, which is the name of an island in the Red Sea, and in Greek it means to search. This April stone is a symbol of dignity and grandeur, and a sign of happiness and success. The Egyptians consider topaz as a symbol of the sun. Greeks also believe that this stone gives a person a special power and invalidates spells and magic. Even in the past, they believed that if someone carries this stone with them, they will stay away from the eyes. The Romans believed that topaz increases intelligence and loyalty. In Brazil, topaz is the sign and symbol of dentists. But among jewelers and consumers of topaz, yellow and brown colors are more famous and common. White Topaz White topaz seems to be one of the oldest and most historic birthstones of April, but it is used as an alternative birthstone because of its visual resemblance to diamonds. Due to its similarity to diamonds, white topaz is used by gold and jewelry companies as a substitute for April birthstone and as a substitute for wedding and marriage rings. White topaz used in jewelry is often gem-cut to give it more sparkle.
Topaz is a common gemstone used in jewelry. Its common color is golden brown to yellow, but because of these colors, citrine, which is a less valuable mineral, is sold under the name of topaz. Topaz is one of the hardest minerals in nature. Topazes make interesting examples of minerals due to their high polish, attractive colors, and multifaceted crystals.
Topaz is believed to metaphysically help one become aware of one's thoughts and actions and the effects it has in this regard. It is also used to eliminate negative and stagnant energy.
The energy of golden topaz calls for forgiveness and truth, and instead of fear and doubt, it replaces self-confidence and self-esteem and adapts to our true spirit and brings joy, love and abundance to our lives. Topaz is very strong in expressing ideas and creating creativity. This helps us realize our abilities and gain wealth and prosperity from the experiences and efforts we have learned. It supports big dreams and makes that person willingly share their happiness and wealth with others. In addition to being one of the birthstones of April, yellow topaz is also the main stone of November.
April birthstone: Jasper
The reason for the naming of the word jasper (jasper) in the Greek language is the meaning of stained stone. Jasper stone has different types and is found in different colors in nature. The reason for the color of jasper is the presence of iron in the stone structure.
Jasper stone therapy, the stone of the month of April, from the stone therapy beliefs that exist about this stone, the following can be mentioned: This stone brings the chance of increasing wealth and success in financial affairs. If this stone is placed in the garden, it will increase the fertility and grow more and better plants. It increases the strength of the mind and intellect and acts as a barrier against dangerous desires and cravings and... in ancient times it was known as a rain stone and it was healing in cases of eyes, kidneys and stomach area. It is also used to prevent migraine headaches. Reduces labor pain.
Birthstone of April: Bloodstone
In the Middle Ages, it was believed that blood stone has special properties and great power. It has a long-standing connection with Christianity, and the red dots on it are attributed to the blood of Jesus Christ. In the Middle Ages, they attributed special supernatural power to it. The reason for the color is due to the presence of small amounts of iron oxides.
Aquamarine is the stone of the month of April
Aquamarine (Latin for sea water) is called beryl that has a blue color. In Greek, "aqua" means water and "marine" belongs to the sea. In the past, it was known as the stone of the goddess of the seas. The color-producing element in acumarine is iron, which replaces aluminum in a very small way, and in its network there are thread-like and hollow channels that reflect light. When the growth lines are abundant in the crystal, the phenomenon of "cat's eye" or even asterism is observed. Aquamarine has a hardness of 7.5-8 on the Mohs scale, that's why it is very resistant and suitable for jewelry making. Brazil is the most important producer of aquamarine in the world. The best examples of aquamarine are found in Brazil, although they are also found in Russia, Nigeria and Madagascar.
Treatments and beliefs about aquamarine, the April moonstone
The talisman protects against sea and maritime accidents. The ancient Greeks treated the fear of sea water with that disease. Aquamarine has long been a sign of youth and health and a symbol of honesty, beauty, loyalty and brings love and awakens and strengthens it. This stone prevents the influence of destructive thoughts and absorbs negative waves and makes a person always in control of his nerves. It has been considered to prevent miscarriage and very useful for pregnant women to protect the mother and fetus. Also, aquamarine stone reduces sadness and anxiety. Aquamarine is the main birthstone of March.
Aquamarine is a valuable stone from ancient times. In the 19th century, aquamarine stones with a blue-green ocean color were most popular, but today blue is more popular. In 1910, the largest aquamarine was found in Brazil, weighing 243 pounds. It was then split into smaller crystals, resulting in over 2,000,000 carats. The highest quality aquamarine crystals are from Brazil, whose crystals can be found weighing several kilograms. Other places where aquamarine is found include: Madagascar (where deep blue varieties are found), the United States, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, and Nigeria.